Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Signs of spring

1. Robins have returned. Yea.

2. Tulips and daffodils are on the way. I can't wait to garden.

3. The kids waiting for the bus in tank tops and shorts...with today's high of 50. If it was September and the exact same temp, these kids would be wearing sweatshirts and their new winter coat.

4. Stinky pee...asparagus is back baby.

5. DD1 wanting to play EVERY single outside play toy she hasn't seen in 6 months. Yesterday we skated, flew a kite, scootered, biked, sidewalk chalked (a verb, I'm sure) and played basketball, bubbles, and baseball.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Laura is to pee as Kevin is to poop. See how I classed it up there by making it a SAT-y?