Wednesday, April 30, 2008

TV mom

OK, I heart TV. I love putting the kids to bed and vegging for a while (sometimes a LOOONG while) in front of the tube. My husband says I watch too much TV, but I really can't figure out what else I should be, I just need some mindless entertainment to wind down. TV is easy when cleaning, shopping, and reading are too much. You can read this and judge me, but you know I'm also kinda right.

I especially love my DVR. I mean the dishwasher and toilet paper are necessities, but the DVR is up there as one of the best inventions EVER! I know I don't NEED a DVR, but in a fire I'm pulling wires from the back of my TV before I'm looking for my wedding photos...I'm just saying.

I also like talking about TV, the Internet is my watercooler. RIP TV Guide podcast. Long live Internet TV gossip. Here's my new contribution: The TV MOM

Yesterday I caught American Idol...of course. Seriously, is Paula that much of a whack job? How do you NOT know you only listened to one song? Is planet Earth just too much for Mrs. Scat Cat? Personally, I don't care who's feeding her 'her own opinions'...her credibility has never been her strength. It's probably better someone has been telling her what to say all these years otherwise we'd just get "it was look amazing" ad nauseum. Wait a minute...on second thought, that preopinion/scripter must have been a new hire. Do you think she took out an ad for a personal judge-r or do you think she makes her already obviously overworked hair and makeup people just jot stuff down for her to make her look crazy?

I also watched the Jon & Kate plus 8 Oprah ep. Kate needs lessons on how to speak kindly to her husband. Of course, if someone taped me I'd probably be worse (not even including the 8 kids!) I just worry the kids will pick up her tone when talking to their dad. He doesn't seem bothered by the constant ordering around so alls well that ends well, right?

So, is Brooke or Jason gone this week? These are the weeks I get bored with...just give me my David vs. David finale already!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Never too much

OK, I'm frazzled. It happens so often that I can't possibly do everything that needs to be done and that only stresses me out more.

I can't believe how much I took for granted the expansive TIME I had before I had kids. How did I squander all those evenings and weekends? Seriously, what did I do back then with all that time and why couldn't I have saved some for a rainy day or ANY day with kids?

I'd just like to wave to my former friend SLEEP from across the room...hey buddy...remember when we used to hang out all morning Saturday? It's been so long since I spent quality time with you, sleep, are we just acquaintances now? Send me a Christmas card, won't ya?

This morning while I was getting ready for work, I was having an internal fight with my husband (who, lucky for him, wasn't home). I was yelling at him for all the things he hasn't been doing. The toilet still leaks, the taxes still aren't done, the house is a mess and we have a showing tomorrow. I got the kids up and dressed and ready for daycare while he spent 45 minutes in the bathroom! And the list of rants kept growing...for the last few nights I've been fixing the computer after the kids go to bed to make things easier for him to work from home and he's been going to bed early. I get done at 10PM only to come upstairs and start putting the dinner dishes away. Plus, his back hurts so he is unbearable to be around. I'm grumpy and overworked and I need help, not more man-whining! Men + sick = my nightmare...but that's another post entirely!

My husband (in the fight in my head) is saying he does more than his father did so I should just deal. In fact, when my FIL visits he's horrified for my DH because he is 'forced' to do any number of fatherly duties, like for example, change a diaper! I tell my husband (in the fight in my head, of course) he does not have a valid excuse, for his mother never worked full-time and times have changed, buddy! Suck it up and move on.

Yet, I can't move on. I have this huge desire to talk to those women back them (and perhaps shake some sense into them!) How women didn't voice their displeasure earlier is beyond me! How did they do it ALL and not be miserable ALL the time? I have all the modern conveniences and still only get a hot meal on the table half the time. Why did they let men slack off for so long? I both admire and blame them.

So, some advice, can NEVER do too much. There is no such thing as you doing too much housework, being too romantic, or playing with your children for too long. Time has a way of getting away from us, no matter how idle or busy we are. The trick is squeezing time like it's a orange...'til there's not one drop of OJ left. Then, maybe we'll have time for a little more squeezing as man and wife...but that's another post entirely!