Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy (belated) Earth Day

What did you do for Earth Day? I like Earth Day because by design it will never become a Hallmark holiday. Killing trees for Earth Day defeats the purpose, no? Watching TV shows about Earth Day does too, but for some reason, I'll let that slide.

Every year, Earth Day events seem to get bigger. This year there was even a movie premiering on Earth Day. If you saw the Disney flick, you were supposta have also planted a tree in the rain forest, just by buying a ticket. But I'm highly skeptical of those kinds of Earth Day gimmicks. If I see another commercial telling me if I buy their product, they will in turn save the world, my head will explode. My thought is if you can save the Earth, then do so. My 2 dollars shouldn't prevent you from doing a great justice to Earthkind. It's a tax write-off anyway, so plant the tree anyway, dammit.

How am I Earth friendly?

I have a number of reusable bags. But every other visit to the store I either: 1)Have forgotten my bags at my house (my husband insists on "cleaning" my car and taking out the bags because he sees them as clutter. He is very anti-earth.);or 2)Have forgotten them in my car (going back out with two kids isn't practical and by the time I remember it's check out time). So, chalk one up to trying to be earth friendly but failing miserably. I do take all my plastic bags back in to the store for recycling though, so I'm not a horrible, terrible person (for THAT reason anyway).

As an aside, I stopped capitalizing earth because for some reason when I type it, it never capitalizes and I just have to go back and do it again and it's driving me crazy. Thankyouverymuch.

I have CFLs (which I now hear are dangerous and have to be thrown away somewhere else because they contain mercury...but I'll worry about that in 5 years when they're supposta burn out). LCD bulbs are the next best thing but even though they save $$ in the long run it's difficult to shell out $40 for a bulb.

I have a smart surge protector, that doesn't work...but I tried. And next year, I'd LOVE a vegetable garden, so I'd like to think I'm doing my part. You?

For whatever reason, I've caught the Oprah on earth day 2 years in a row. I usually don't watch her but 2 things struck me yesterday. THIS TURTLE. I am horrified. So is my daughter...ooops, bad mommy moment. (If your wondering, the turtle got a plastic ring stuck on it when it was little, then the shell grew around it through adulthood.) The other thing was Oprah talking about her vegetable garden then admitting she doesn't do anything, but she has her "people" bring her fresh food and it's amazing. Only Oprah. Maybe if she would get her people to plant some trees in the rain forest, we wouldn't need an Earth Day Show. Just saying...Happy (belated) Earth Day.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Ruthanne had a dream that she forgot to give her turtle water the other night; I'm sure these two things are related somehow.