Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I just recently moved (whole 'nother blog for another day) and I'm sick of unpacking, so yesterday I picked up a good book "Little Earthquakes." I stayed up far later than I should've (it's got that whole "can't put down" cliche perfected) and it's a fast read...but I haven't gotten to the point of the title yet.

That's my husband's favorite part of the movie...when a character in the movie uses the title. He likes to nudge, nod and say "Hence the title of the movie!" He is so busy waiting for it or yelling about it he sometimes misses critical additional plot points. But that's what he does and I love him for it and whenever I'm watching a movie by myself now I hear him in my head...but not in a "I hear voices" kinda way.

I don't think I've ever heard him say "hence" otherwise. Of course, this is the man who also says "acrosTT" meaning across. He knows it bugs me so he always emphasizes it now "Hey, did you see what the kids are doing ACROST the street?"

Drives me bazooks.

1 comment:

m said...

Hi, don't give up, pple will visit. Have you submitted your site to search engines ? That might help.

Maynas from Singapore