Sunday, March 22, 2020

It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine.

To be clear...I was born for social distancing.  As a toddler, I coined the phrase "plain day" as in "Mom, when is the next plain day?'s exhausting having things on the calendar like preschool and library story hour."  I longed to be schedule-free.  I also hate hugging.  I could easily be on lock-down for months and be A-OK.  This is my kind of pandemic...although we've never navigated through this kind of thing in my lifetime and the first time I'm out of snacks, I might pack it in.

Speaking of snacks?  I have a 4-person family and I still shop in bulk at Sam's Club once a week.    Don't feel sorry for me--I have what feels like a dozen streaming services...I'm not hurting for entertainment.  My walks give me some therapeutic time, my kids give me my necessary aggravation time.  I'm just living the dream here people!

My husband, however, is not loving this.  He's constantly talking to people, now on the phone.  We just got back from Florida and he found out he's quarantined for 14 days from work and threw a fit. I don't know if he's just delusional or stir-crazy.

So...let me be real.  Chad thinks we should have stayed in Florida.  I'm not gonna lie, socially distancing in sunshine and 85 degrees is just plain better/easier.  We could see and hear the ocean from our room...not bad if you can get it.  But you'd also need groceries and TP and to be quarantined   (who ever thought I'd need to figure out how to spell THAT on a regular basis?!?) when we got back.  If we could get back.  Illinois went on lockdown hours after we arrived home from O'Hare.

Being on vacation while the world was breaking was weird.  I wanted to watch the news and crawl up in a ball and worry.  Chad was the opposite.  If he didn't know, it wasn't happening.  Yet, every day we were in Florida, things got a little more restrictive.  Day 1, the breakfast buffet spoon was still touched by everyone and no precautions were being taken.  Day 5 felt more militaristic and "war-zoney."  By the time we left, the beach and pier were closed, but we ate in a restaurant our last night so carry-out restrictions hadn't dampened the mood but we did get to see them lock the pier down from our spot at dinner.  Weird.

Turning in our rental car was crazy.  I had never seen a place with so many cars!!  They ran out of room to turn them all in.   We couldn't find a rental car in Miami because they were all here in Ft Myers. Abandoned by people who gave up on their vacations already.

The airport was packed.  Where were all the people who were staying home?  Even tho the airport wouldn't put more than a dozen people on a shuttle bus, the roads were packed on the way home.  Trust me, even on fish fry night, not everyone was grabbing take-out.

My facebook page is littered with shut-in advice.  Medical staff saying "I didn't stay home so you should." I get it.  I just don't know how long we'll actually do it.  I'll admit, that scares me a little.  I'm now hunkered down for the long haul...are you?!!?

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