Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kiss of Death

Here is my personal relationship public service announcement.  Ready?
Don't ever say nice things about your significant other publicly.  NEVER.

Two facebook friends (women) recently posted status updates stating that their husbands were awesome; they are now the only 2 couples I know (personally) who are in the process of divorce.

Sandra Bullock told millions of people her husband was her rock, now she'd rather throw rocks at him and his skanky tattooed mistress (I'm guessing, I don't know Sandy personally).

I regularly tell anyone who will listen to (or read) me that my husband is a dolt.  (As an aside, this week I had to prove to said hubby that dolt was a real world...seriously, how can you live on this earth 35 years and never hear that word EVER?!)

See, I can't help it...but that's OK, cause it must mean our marriage is A-OK...or did I just jinx it now?  Crap.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I thought of this post as Jeff went downstairs to find a 'big map' to prove to me that GA does not border NC. Apparently all the maps I found online showing that it does were wrong.