Ok, so where have I been? Well, just moving and adjusting to my new life sans interweb.
Perhaps, I grossly underestimated the extra time I had at work to be online. It didn't seem like that much time was spent goofing off. However, now that's it's gone I miss it....dearly. Especially now that facebook is life's little friend finder/doodle notebook. Oh well.
I definitely overestimated the time I'd be able to be online at my new gig (stay-at-home mom). Don't get me wrong, I love my little monsters and this is a gig of a lifetime...but my bosses are a little more demanding in this career path. There is no longer opportunity for a long lunch, ducking out for a haircut or doctor's appointment, 401K plan, and certainly no such thing as a 3-day weekend in my world now. However, I don't have to run all my errands on the weekends or after the kids go to bed, (but I do have to take them with me everywhere we go now). Hey, I get paid in smiles (and oh yea, tantrums) so it all evens out.
So, I'm living in this small town town now. There are positives and negatives to small time life...rush hour is from 5:02-5:12, it doesn't take more than 20 minutes to get anywhere, and the schools are good. But this town isn't exactly techno-savvy yet. I have friends w/o e-mail addresses...it's like living with the amish! At least I have finally talked the cable company into sending me a DVR. A girl has to have SOMETHING, right? And culture? Well, sure, if you count high school performances of all your favorite musical theatre...we've got it.
Hey, in this economy I shouldn't knock it. We have a roof over our head, job security, and lots of laughter. Now, excuse me while I neglect DD1 some more for the sake of showering. See you all again in 6 months.
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