For whatever reason, the poll to the right doesn't want to format right, but inquiring minds want to know...is it ITSY-BITSY or EENSEY-WEENSEY spider?
Other differences between where I grew up and where and I am now:
I love Wisconsin, but people, it is NOT a bubbler; it's a water fountain.
Lunch is dinner and dinner is supper. I still can't keep this one straight. Just tell me when to come and eat.
There is NO such word as ACROST. This one is like nails on a chalk board to me. You're not going acrost the street!
I know there are a bunch more, but I am brain dead today.
Something we can agree on (that most of the country doesn't get) it's POP, not soda.
It's itsy bitsy. Another I love is 'the car needs washed' or 'the wall needs painted'. These things need TO be done, they don't need a past participle of the verb.
Or, I'm just a stickler.
Today was like the 12th time I heard a southern gentleman pronounce height heith. I'm just waiting for one of them to say weith.
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