If you don't know what Webkinz are, you probably don't have kids. Webkinz are (more-expensive-than-they-should-be) stuffed animals attached to "secret passwords" that let you play online. Webkinz World is this all-kids website that lets you play games, feed your pet, and earn Kinzcash. It's cheesy...but then, I'm not exactly in their target demographic. You see, normally, 10 year-olds come home from school, have a snack, do homework, and then jump online to feed their little electronic furball. But somewhere along the way, I got hooked.
DD1 got a Webkinz pet as a gift, then two, then a whole bunch. I finally signed her up in Webkinz World to see what all the fuss was about. She can't read yet, but boy can she whiz around Webkinz like she owns the place. Apparently, she had been on the site already with cousins and the daycare provider. So, she (at age 4) got to work setting up house for her virtual pets. Then, as she explained to me, you should set up a garden (which has to be maintained daily) and earn money to keep the pets well fed and clothed. This was my undoing.
Webkinz has this tetris-like game that I was good at. It's called Goober's Lab and I was just playing to earn her Kinzcash...or so I said. Secretly, I would go on her site while she was at school and retool the garden or check for gems (another way to get you to the site daily). My husband would go to bed while I playing countless games...I said it was a stress-reliever. And, after all, I was just helping her, right? Then, I took over. "No dear child you don't want to do that...spend some money here instead." It got so bad, she got me a Webkinz for Christmas so I'd stop playing with hers.

Seriously, could you say no to this face?
It's sad when a grown woman sets up a Webkinz account on Christmas day FOR HERSELF. But it didn't stop me. I found other games, like Get Eleven Solitaire (so designed for parents I'm sure!) and set up my own garden and went in search of my own crown of wonder. I have a problem, and I'm trying to get help. OK, that's a total lie...the website has been undergoing maintenance for like a week and like a junky, I'm having withdrawl symptoms. The first day, I checked the site every 15 minutes, then googled about any problems, then found a youtube video explaining how to sneak onto the site...and tried it. I'm a 33 year-old woman and I'm hacking onto a kids site, what's wrong with me?
So, if you see me shaking or mumbling to myself that I'm worried about "Mooey," just keep walking. And whatever you do, stay away from Webkinz...no good can come from it.
You and Ruthanne should have a chat about your Webkinz addictions... She plays some spelling game for Ally, and most nights when I talk to her, I hear 'just talk until I finish this game.' Good times.
Wait until you have to do the "Missions" on Club Penguin. I've spent hours trying to figure those things out.
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