Ok, I've never been a music snob. In fact, I kind of go with the flow and will tolerate whatever plays on my favorite pop radio station.
Case in point- I hated that new Fray song until I heard it 20 times, now suddenly it's great. (Plus my 19 mo. old sing "wherR you?" from the backseat which I think is adorable.)
I've been a top 40 DJ and used to hate those women who called up saying we were corrupting the soft brain tissue of their offspring. I even told a program director it was ridiculous to daypart Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl." Fun music is fun music and you can turn it off if you don't like it, right?
But now, I'm seeing things from the opposite end of the spectrum. My 5-year-old wants to know what a 'Womanizer' is. I won't let them sing along to"Gives you Hell" and when we car-eoke to Kelly Clarkson's new tune it's "My life would STINK Without You." Am I turning OLD? Nah, couldn't be...music is just getting worse, right?
For now, I'll dodge the question and pop in my iPod when things get too unbearable. But somebody stop me when I finally break down and buy one of those Kidzbop albums...those things are made by the devil himself.
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