I had other posts about my trivial life, but with all this AIG bonus uproar, I had to throw my 2 cents in.
First off, who signed off on all these mandatory bonuses in these peoples' contracts? Isn't the point of a BONUS to award superlative performance? What part of 'biggest losses in AIG history' do you not get? When did bonuses become mandatory, and why did I not get the memo?
I place blame squarely where it deserves...I blame the game shows. They started this whole mandatory extra credit. When you win against your fellow contestants in Wheel of Fortune what happens next? Yes, that's right...the bonus round. But you've already won cash and prizes! Who is there left to battle against? Pat? Vanna? Yourself? The clock? Maybe if you win a certain amount of cash at the start of the show, you should be deserving of the bonus round...but everybody indiscriminately? I say vile, my dear Wheel watchers...you are being deceived.
And what is a signing bonus? Generally athletes aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but they get more money FOR SIGNING THEIR NAME? I can do that...where's my millions? I know, I know, as soon as I can throw a 100-mile-an-hour fastball I can cash in too...but a signing bonus does not sit right with me. You haven't done anything with the new team to merit extra money. You should be low man on the totem pole and the object of random pranks from the veterans, right? (Hey, I've watched baseball movies and that's how it works.)
Do you know how the AIG bonus checks story leaked? These managers probably put up a stink because with their company in the crapper and Madoff in jail, they had nowhere to invest this extra money. Next time guys, put it in your matress, shut your pie hole, and get back to your golf cart. Us working stiffs have to go work a double.
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