I am indecisive. I always have been and always will be.
But back to the indecisiveness. Driving around the area, everybody has got vanity plates here; they much be cheaper than in other states. It's amusing to decipher the text and think up what mine would say. But that's where I hit a stumbling block. Either I'm just not creative enough or there isn't anything I'm that passionate about. Nothing I do makes me want to scream it from my bumper. Plus, I'd be too embarrassed that what I put on there would be so not cool. Pop culture doesn't lend itself to being emblazoned in metal for many years. Can you imagine having HOOTIE on your license now (not even Darius Rucker wants that).
I am also very forgetful. Like my mother, I have early onset Alzheimer's (undiagnosed since the age of oh, about, 13).
This is a terrible combination if you are trying to sustain a blog.
I think of these really cool things to write about, then they pop out of my brain moments later when something shiny crosses my path. Or I have too many ideas and can't figure out which is the best. Or, I just run out of time.
On a side note, I'm finding time hard to come by these days. Here I thought SAHMs (stay-at-home-moms) were ladies of leisure. I envisioned being able to scrapbook and have hours of playing with the kids. I had ideas that we'd do crafts one day, music another, and at least one field trip a week. Yea, right! I have no idea where the time goes (probably hiding under the bed like the dog right now) but it's not here. Somehow you always manage to fill in all the space with other things and somehow you always think you're just a tiny bit busier than somebody else (I'm pointing at you MIL).

Another aside, did you hear about the lady who tried to brag about her love of tofu on a license? Seriously, did she not read LOVETOFU and see other (dirty) things? C'mon! I betcha she's blond...and loves to fu...I mean Tofu.
Anyway, since I can't decide on a license, I'll never get a tattoo. Not because I don't think they're cool just because 1) I can't even decide where to put up pictures on my walls and 2) chances are whatever I would get would be ridiculous and dated the second the ink was dry.
Indecisive+Forgetful-time consuming= 1 horrible blog, sorry! (They promised me there would be no math!)
Ooo, something shiny, gotta go!
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