Taking the cue from a Somali pirate, Spring is refusing to be sprung. It teases us with a day or two of sunshine but that's it-- no real warm temps, or warm temps but strong winds, or like yesterday SNOW. It's getting rather annoying. Let go Old Man Winter, can't you see our time is through? We LIKE flirting with Spring, so please lose our number, Winter, at least until next Christmas Eve.
One thing I don't mind doing inside is exercising. I'm a gizmo girl so all my exercise "equipment" is electronic. Specifically (try not to laugh) Dance, Dance Revolution and Wii Fit. I love me exercise gizmos because they focus me to actually do the work. Truth be told, I don't usually mind exercising. It's the time commitment that sucks (oh, and that one-handed stand- up strength training exercise on Wii Fit, that REALLY sucks).
For whatever reason I actually do regularly exercise with these games more than I would with anything else. I did Curves before I got married, but generally gyms are for bulky men and judging women. I love to walk outside (with my iPod's long list of podcasts of course) but real cardio like running and biking is too hard...or rather I'm too wimpy. I do love me some rollerblading, but seeing a 33-year-old mother of two out on the street blading must be tough for the neighbors and for some reason they don't let me into the all-night-high-school-lock-in skates anymore.
I'm craving spring and summer so bad, I've actually started planting flowers in the house. I have this little greenhouse in the kitchen now. It's kind of cool to see these tiny little seeds develop into these amazing flowering plants. (God, I just heard my mother in that sentence) It's a good project for the 5-year-old too. I'm running out of things we can do inside. She can only color for so long.

Don't get me wrong, every time the Wii tells me giddily "You're overweight!" I wanna punch it. And you might catch me cheating while doing my push-up/side plank training. And I'm not sure how throwing a panda head at me is exercise, but whatever, I'll take it. Beats sitting out in the cold. BTW, beat it cold.
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