Ok, I don't have a ton of time today...I have to find a car.
Men! And to think we let them rule the world. SCARY.
For many Americans, Wal*Mart is the answer. I like Wally's OK, it's cheap and they have great carbonated flavored water. But the parking lot is always atrocious, the other shoppers are everywhere (and usually poorly-hygiened) and there is always a random cart placed exactly where I need to be.
I prefer Target, even though in this day and age I rarely get an opportunity to shop there. It's bright and clean there. It costs more, but most of the time the quality is better. Plus, they always have cute dresses for the girls. And is it me or does it even smell better there?
Why do I need a car... when I love my current car? when I'm broke? when that's the last thing I want to spend my free time doing?
Oh yea...that's right, the camper my husband bought cannot be towed by our current vehicle safely. If your thinking, "hmmm, I would have thought he had checked that out before buying it" then you do not know my husband very well. It's my fault really, because I know my husband well and didn't ask. Oh wait, I did ask and he said it would be fine. My bad (somehow).
As you can tell I'm oh so happy about spending MORE money on this disaster. As it is, he's got camping booked 5 of the first 6 weeks of summer. I had to tell him to cancel a reservation because, oh yea, my brothers getting married and all so we probably should attend that.
Men! And to think we let them rule the world. SCARY.
In this economy, everyone is tightening their belts. I can no longer buy crap willy-nilly. (That makes me sad just writing it.) What can I do? I was frugal enough before this economic crisis, dammit! I can only save so much before my head wants to explode and spree through every store in the strip mall.
Of course, I could just get a job. Yea, right! I've been waiting for summer since signing onto this gig. It's one of the best perks...besides that getting to see your children grow up one (trust me, some days that is NOT a selling point.)

Am I a snob for liking Target over Wally World? Maybe. But I'm Ok with that. Most of the time anyway.
Here's one last SAT-thingy (analogy?) I will leave you with before my car hunt.
Walmart is to public schools as Target is to private ones. While I'd like to send my daughter to a public school, my wallet says otherwise. Luckily the public schools aren't so bad here. And I hear the yellow smiley face makes an OK principal.
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