If I hear one more person shockingly state about the (ahem...alleged...) craig's list killer that it's a real shame because he 1)is not bad looking or 2)was going to be a doctor, I myself might have to get violent.
People: You can be pretty and still be evil. You can be smart and still not be nice. Jeez, haven't you seen Heathers or really any other teen movie in the last 20 years? Scratch that, were you never IN high school?
Attractive people do horrible things all the time. But I think as a society, pretty people are allowed to get away with more. Just think, if Anna Nicole or Jessica Simpson had kept her roots (both literally and figuratively) she'd just be another idiot buck-toothed brunette. But because she looks like a Barbie doll, we let her stupidity slide.
Maybe it's because I'm not in the privileged group of people that gets the benefit of the doubt, I'm on the outside looking in ALL the time but it happens ALL the time...at the grocery store, at the coffee shop, and of course, at the bar.
I have a bigger rant here (and don't even get me started on his fiance...what is she waiting for...the movie deal?) but my husband is reading this over my shoulder and is making me crazy. If he wasn't so cute, I'd kick his ass. At thusly, I prove my point.
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