Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring has sprung

Halleluia!  The sun is out and the temperature is creeping up.

Technically, spring arrives on Saturday but I love those window of hope days in March where everything is going to be OK again soon.  You hear birds again, children wear shorts and t-shirts to school even though it was only 37 degrees this morning, and I get thinking about gardening.

Everyone in the neighborhood was out yesterday and it was amazing.  First, I know a lot more people than I did a year ago here which is nice.  Secondly, it's all a little "Lion King-y,"  you know, circle of life type stuff. 

Everyone's a year older and wiser.  The kids are excited to spend every second outside. 

Today I am ambitious to do it all;  I can't wait to put on my walking shoes; I've gotten all my gardening stuff together; and I sit at my laptop writing this?!?

Off to clean up a little because when my kindergartener gets home, everyone is staying outside until dark!  Go spring!

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