Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Signing bonus

OK, I happened to catch the signing of the Health Care Bill...or as Obama called it the Health Insurance Reform Act.

Here's some REAL political commentary you won't find anywhere else.

1.  First, do you really need to interrupt my DVR'ing of The View?  That's what all those news channels and C-SPAN are for, right?  What about all those poor kids that stayed home from school because Justin Bieber was going to be on TV?  Shame, shame!

2.  Thank you sir (the President, not Justin Bieber) for explaining in simple terms what the bill does and what changes take effect now.  I appreciate that.  (See yesterday's rant).  I'm not so naive to believe there is no spin on those statements, but I do appreciate it.  Going out of your way to thank every member of Congress, however, was lame.  Poor Congress who had to work for their constituents and think for a change, here's a tiny violin for you.  Guess what, we all do things at work we don't like...I had to peel poop off a pair of elmo underwear yesterday, where is my round of applause?  Speaking of outbursts...

3.  What is with this shouting/interrupting/rude behavior that seems to have become the norm at important political events?  First, the State of the Union, then the "baby killer" business on the house floor (on second thought, I'll give that one a pass because I'm sure worse things have been shouted on the house floor), and today during the President's speech some guy had to interject a "YEA, WE DID!"   Really, Joe Blow (or Rep. Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y), you are not at a Yankees game, show some decorum.

3.5  In trying to find a photo of the signing, I came across many stories that our very own VP dropped the F- bomb live on television to introduce the President.  Real winner there, huh?  Please Mr. President, don't die in office, or even have a nightmare about having to use the 25th amendment for any reason whatsoever.

4.  Could any more pens have been used during the signing?  First, don't televise the unpresidential goofiness of trying to sign the 12 letters of his name (I'm assuming you write your whole name but skip the whole President tag but I could be wrong) with 22 pens.   And how soon until the Republican's start talking about budget cuts in the White House supply closet?

OK, I'm done.
So now that this whole health care is being put to bed what are we gonna all talk about now?

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