Friday, July 24, 2009

Closed for summer

Ok, so I haven't been keeping up. Blame summer...and swimming lessons and story hour and art class and the park and swings and the sandbox and all the other things that keep me away from my computer. I would love a laptop but need the funds and wireless Internet, so until then....
How does one man go from most pitied man on the planet to most lame-o quarterlife crisis at 32 making him hated by millions? I'm not sure but maybe Jon Gosslin has an idea. Really Jon, a 22 year old? Really? Too cliche!
I read Twilight this week. I can see how many love the series (clumsy girl has a thing for most beautiful boy who is dark and mysterious and uber romantic and what's this...he loves her too? I can almost feel the teenagers swoon.) While it was a very quick read it was good, but no Harry Potter. I had a real problem with the fact the vamp who can run real fast and speeds cars hundreds of miles an hour takes an airplane to save the girl he loves.
Thanks ABC for burning off my favorite cancelled shows on Saturday night. It gives me something to watch on the DVR during the week. You can almost tell when all the good writers jumped ship. RIP Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone, and Dirty Sexy Money.
Is facebook a female thing? The only guys I know who are on it apparently don't work very hard while the women are used to multi-tasking. Total gender stereotyping I know, but prove me wrong.
Ok, kids are getting restless. More in the fall?

1 comment:

Susan said...

It is now fall.

Thank you.