So I bought into the hype and went to the movie theatre ON OPENING NIGHT to see Sex and the City. It was kind of a last minute thing, so we had to sit in the 3rd row. We had fun, but geez, I've never felt under dressed at a movie before! Walking in, I saw more heels and ballgowns than at my prom. Because I'm 32, I was also felt OLD. All these young girls dolled up like an escort ad in the yellow pages (too harsh?) and me in my ten-ees. I actually wondered out loud if these girls got dressed up to avoid being carded at the R-rated movie. When did I become the cranky old lady at the movies? If that's the case, I at least want a cool walker with pink tennis balls at the bottom and a nifty handicapped parking placard.
It was nice to see all kinds of women all together for one cause...it kinda sucked that TV and Hollywood was that cause, but hey, it's a start, right? It was SOOOO nice to get out of the house with someone else, pal around like men, and not have to be an on-duty mom. We were watching previews and when another good-looking movie with lots of stars ended with a Fall 2008 date, my girlfriend said "ugh, that's too far away" to which I responded "Hey, I'll see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 if it means I get to do this again soon."
My husband's first reaction was "Huh...why?...well if you go, then I get to see Indy tomorrow night." When I reminded him he gets a guys night EVERY FREAKIN WEEK (aka softball) he eased up.
It seems the rub with being a mom and putting yourself first once and while is this...usually, you are on your own to recharge your batteries. Guys do things in packs (poker night, softball, bars) but getting a group of girls together is like planning for a nuclear launch. Like our life, it's complicated. Does the husband's schedule conflict? When does everyone have 4 hours in a row? Plus, kids always throw up at the least opportune times. I have a group of friends whose husband's meet monthly for poker-they've never missed a month. In that time (2 years) the women have managed to get together once. Sometimes, we should work hard to play hard...we deserve it.
Huh, I might have just talked myself into the Manic Mommies cruise. No excuses?
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