OK, I put an ad window on my blog page. I know no one clicks on them, but if I can earn a dollar, why not? It was supposta find relavant ads and put them up there. Well, I happened to look at it today and the first ad is : Bang married white women!! I'm appalled.
Jeez, how did they know yesterday was my anniversary?
Just because I wrote out the title of the ad (see above, I don't dare write it again) it's probably going to stay the #1 ad on my site forever more. I'm horrified.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Back in the dark ages

I upgraded my satellite service a few nights ago and in doing so blew up my DVR. Things I have learned about my favorite invention:
1. My 4-year-old does NOT understand why we can no longer pause TV, or watch Curious George whenever she darn well pleases. Kids today will never no the hardship of live TV just like we barely remember life before the remote.
2. It's a good thing it's summer, otherwise I'd be going ballistic. I'm already upset I have to remember all those shows I had it set to record automatically. That night, I kept resetting the recorder hoping that time it would work again...I wasn't ready to say goodbye. And I keep pressing the DVR button on my remote like a morphine patient getting his fix.
3. Purging the DVR is not always a bad thing. Goodbye season of Oprah, I only watched you as a last resort anyway. Best Week Ever and Talk Soup, sorry, you're not making it onto my new list (by the time I get around to you, you're old news).
4. I'm still deciding whether or not to bite the bullet and get DVRs for all the TVs--I think this could be dangerous but when the 4-year-old is watching the same episode of Curious George for the 9000 time- I might appreciate it.
5. When your satellite provider ruins your DVR, they will still try to make you pay for shipping. Nice try, guys but I don't think so. I still love you more than cable though. XXOO.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Just a quick question

Why am I supposta feel sorry for Ed McMahon?
He has a million dollar mansion that is being foreclosed upon. Poor Ed...he was only able to earn millions by sitting next to someone and laughing for his JOB and didn't save enough. Oh, and he got divorced a lot. Good luck trying to cash one of those giant checks from Publisher's Clearinghouse, Ed. Hehehehe, yesssir!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Yes, I'm 12!

I was always a Joey girl...but damn, is ugly Danny good-looking now?...must be the missing rat tail that glams him up! One of my friends and I were talking about going to the New Kids concert in the fall...can you imagine? 30 to 40 year-old women screaming like little girls--I'm so there.
New video where they act like teenagers still.
All those acting lessons have definitely paid off for Donnie-- rubbing up against a 20-something hot-bodied-woman is hard work--insert hanging tough joke here-woah, oh, oh oh, ooooh.
Going home

I have a theory about work: the more you are physically at work, the easier it is to work; the more time you take off, the easier it is to take time off work. When you have a vacation coming up, work gets harder and tougher...doesn't it? When you leave early for some reason during the week, it's easier in that same week to do it again, isn't it?
I am back at work full time and boy do I miss my Thursdays off. It doesn't make it any easier that summer is our slow period and the weather is gorgeous and I miss my kids and doing all the little things in that bonus day.
Now, I'm a worn out mom. My house is a wreck, my laundry pile is about to take over the world, and groceries are a dim memory of what it was like before we had cheerios for dinner...EVERY night. And we haven't even started swimming and dance lessons for the summer yet.
Yikes! Somethings gotta give. So I'm outta here. Actually, the whole fam is travelling 9 hours by car to my hometown. There, my 4 brothers and sister are converging at the homeplace to see how much damage we can do to my mom's house over a long weekend. Wish us luck...we're already bickering via e-mail.
And if you hear of a wash pile overtaking the world while I'm gone...it's not mine, because I'm on vacation!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

So I bought into the hype and went to the movie theatre ON OPENING NIGHT to see Sex and the City. It was kind of a last minute thing, so we had to sit in the 3rd row. We had fun, but geez, I've never felt under dressed at a movie before! Walking in, I saw more heels and ballgowns than at my prom. Because I'm 32, I was also felt OLD. All these young girls dolled up like an escort ad in the yellow pages (too harsh?) and me in my ten-ees. I actually wondered out loud if these girls got dressed up to avoid being carded at the R-rated movie. When did I become the cranky old lady at the movies? If that's the case, I at least want a cool walker with pink tennis balls at the bottom and a nifty handicapped parking placard.
It was nice to see all kinds of women all together for one cause...it kinda sucked that TV and Hollywood was that cause, but hey, it's a start, right? It was SOOOO nice to get out of the house with someone else, pal around like men, and not have to be an on-duty mom. We were watching previews and when another good-looking movie with lots of stars ended with a Fall 2008 date, my girlfriend said "ugh, that's too far away" to which I responded "Hey, I'll see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 if it means I get to do this again soon."
My husband's first reaction was "Huh...why?...well if you go, then I get to see Indy tomorrow night." When I reminded him he gets a guys night EVERY FREAKIN WEEK (aka softball) he eased up.
It seems the rub with being a mom and putting yourself first once and while is this...usually, you are on your own to recharge your batteries. Guys do things in packs (poker night, softball, bars) but getting a group of girls together is like planning for a nuclear launch. Like our life, it's complicated. Does the husband's schedule conflict? When does everyone have 4 hours in a row? Plus, kids always throw up at the least opportune times. I have a group of friends whose husband's meet monthly for poker-they've never missed a month. In that time (2 years) the women have managed to get together once. Sometimes, we should work hard to play hard...we deserve it.
Huh, I might have just talked myself into the Manic Mommies cruise. No excuses?
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