It seems more and more large, rich companies are trying to be larger and richer at the expense of us, the little people. We Eastern Iowans who have DirecTV painfully know this to be true. Currently the "local" ABC affiliate, KCRG, is not available at all, and hasn't been available since late January. Thousands of paying customers have not been receiving ABC due to a breakdown in contract negotiations between the two large corporations. KCRG's parent company and DirecTV are fighting like a couple of divorcing parents. Who suffers? The children!

My favorite part is the propaganda on each companies webpage trying to make themselves look/feel good and smear the opposing side. Who cares, you have more money than I'll ever make, I don't feel sorry for either one of you!
Everyone is talking about it at the elementary school fundraiser, the grocery store checkout line, at the watercooler but who is taking on these bigwigs? Have we gotten so apathetic and too busy with other things? Do big companies rely on this or don't care, I'll be honest, either option isn't great for us 99 percenters.
Is this the worst thing to happen this year? No. Is it a sign of how things work now? I'm thinking yes. We see it everyday, stockholder profit overcomes personal integrity. The "let me buy you your ethics" routine.
And just because we live in Iowa, a corn filled fly-over state doesn't mean you are not pissing people off. Don't come between a woman and her TGIT, people. Or she might just...write a blog about it.