How did [insert random biathlete] discover he was good at the combination of skiing and shooting? I imagine for gold it takes more than practice, but some raw talent in a particular sport to set you you have to like it too. That is as random a combination as a quad toe loop into a triple axle (yea, I have no idea either, they jump, spin in the air and I only notice if they fall down).
OK, I need you to think for a moment. I know, I know, that's not what the Interweb is all about, but just help me out for a second. I need you to think about what truly random things you're really good at. What are YOUR "Olympic Sports" in a way (but we're using the word sports here very loosely).
I'm not talking about things you like to do. I like to roller skate/blade...but I'm not especially good at it. I like to take walks, but I'm not exceptionally fast or talented. I like to sing, but I'm never going to be an American Idol.
However, I have found 2 random things I have a talent for...unfortunately, they are not very marketable skills.
My second talent is far less marketable. I am an expert celebrity voice-over identifier. Essentially, I can tell you who is speaking on commercials and animated movies. It's a gift. A horrible and pointless gift.
I'm hoping my last skill is one that can earn me a little cash. But what if my last talent turns out to be best waste management refuse recycler? Bummer.
Furthermore, what if we never find our "3 life skills?" Or worse, what if something else impedes on them. For example, what if I could be a world class heart surgeon but because I can't stand the sight of blood, I'll never know?
Possibly, though, your skills change over time and you get more than 3. If that is not the case, my 2 year-old has already mastered dumping everything out around her and making terrible we'll see.
I guess you just try as many things as you can and hope you not only like what you do, but you also do it well.
Don't worry, my next post will be far more pop culture driven. This philosophical crap is really hurting my head.
BTW--Seriously, did ANYONE believe Tiger's public apology? Dude looked like a fifth-grader giving his first public speaking speech. My fav? When he said something like, "Elin should be commended for her grace... (......long pause........look up at camera.....oh crap, where is my space? Shoot there was more to that sentence) ...and poise. Or when the main camera blanked out...someone forgot to charge the batteries for a 13 minute speech? Or how 'bout that awesomely cheap blue backdrop curtain...insert blue ball/golf ball joke here. Trying to save your marriage and sponsorships in the same dull handwritten speech? Priceless.
OK, if you could just take a sec and comment on what you think is one of your truly goofy life skills, I'd really appreciate it. Make me seem less like a freak.