No matter how far away I am or how old I become, my family will always be around to make me laugh (or at least roll my eyes heavily). Now that I have "my own family," I sometimes forget how important those people are who knew you way back in the minor leagues. It's like loving KFC's original recipe until you try their extra tasty crispy...but sometimes going back to the original is good for the soul (mixing metaphors and raising your cholesterol all in the same sentence, it's good to be back!)
Case in point. Yesterday was my birthday. Wait, some quick background: I have 4 brothers and sisters and I am the oldest. (Like anyone who reads this would NOT know that. Hello mom and Suze..both my readers!)
OK, yesterday my oldest brother texts my middle brother with a reminder to call me. But said message states "Call your sister." Having 2 sisters, he waits for more instructions...then gets bored and decides to call me.
Middle brother: Hey, what's going on?
Me: Nothing, what's up?
More unrelated small talk for like 5 minutes.
Mb: So, why am I supposta be calling you...are you popping out another kid or something?
Me: (Totally didn't realize up until this point he had NO IDEA it was my birthday.) Tell you what, why don't you think about it and call me back.
Mb: Huh?! OK.
A full 5 minutes later--
Middle brother: So I was talking to my girlfriend telling her this story. She says it's your birthday. So happy birthday.
So there it is. Kevin being so Kevin. What more can I expect from a boy whose feet smell like ranch doritos? (Good thing he doesn't read this, and you might think I'm being mean, but his feet are so foul they once stopped a monopoly game from continuing...and then he cried about it.) There, got my revenge via the interweb. Feels good.
Oh, and if my mom didn't read this, I'd totally go on and on about how she stole my camera while she was here this weekend so there won't be any photographic memories of the 5th anniversary of my 29th birthday. It's so my mom to take a camera that didn't look like hers and put it in her purse even though it didn't fit into her camera case (cause her case was already filled with HER OWN CAMERA). I thought I saw her do it and almost asked her but I was distracted by something...oh yea, her trying to take my phone (in her defense, we do have the same model phone and she wasn't feeling well and all is fine now but it does make a good story...thanks mom! Love ya!)
So, no matter what, your family will always be your family. You didn't pick them, and that's part of the fun.