Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I heart TV

May sweeps how I love you!

Lost season finale. I fear I will just be pissed I have to wait 8 months for some answers. I think what we will get tonight is a giant cliff hanger...and Juliet dead. Just guessing people. Oh, and if you watched the last few eps of Felicity, you totally know what's going to happen. Mark my words.

Grey's. Oh Shonda...Will you kill Izzie? Maybe. George might be going to join the army too. It might have been what he was doing when he wasn't there most of the season. All I know is I'll need lots of tissues. So glad I'll be at mom's house watching instead of sobbing in front of husband. He always laughs.

AI: Danny Gokey. He won't sell that many records but Adam bugs me. I'll probably buy Kris' single first. If Kris makes it to the finals, it's only because 13 year old girls have nothing better to do than vote. I also wonder how long until his wife of 5 months gets divorce papers because he's gonna be a big star. Could be worse honey, you could've almost married a murderer or died before husband became rich (is it wrong to call out dead Mrs. Gokey?)

Survivor: Lightening can't strike Coach fast enough. He is why I don't watch Survivor regularly anymore. The loser liars always win.

HIMYM: This show is already good, but will be better once the female stars give birth so they don't have to find ridulous ways to hide both pregnancies. And Ted is whiny. More everyone else (excluding Sarah Chalke...go back to Scrubs girlfriend).

Office. More Jim. Glad you made it to 100 eps, at least 50 of them were funny.

Private Practice: Why I keep watching you I'll never know. Good cast, terrible plot and writing. Glad to see Megan (2 Felicity shout-outs in same post, really?) again...but is baby carving necessary? Really? OK, but only white meat for me.

Jon & Kate. Go away. No one (OK, me) likes you anymore.

Oh yea, the View is the new Oprah.

Also like Ugly Betty, Friday Night Lights, Ace of Cakes, Desperate Housewives, Big Bang, and more. And my hubby says I watch too much TV. There is no such thing!

Thank GOSH for the DVR.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blogger NOT FOUND. System error.

OK, so I've been busy and not posting. Here's what you missed:
post about Las Vegas: the city for drunkards
rant about mother's day
post about flowers and gardening
rant about my husband's truck purchase and our money differences.
OK, are we all caught up now?
I've got way too much to do and feel like I'm living out of my suitcase lately (one more trip at the end of this week) and my children are upstairs having their brains sucked out by the TV, so I'll check you later. Glad we could talk, let's keep in touch, best friends forever!